Select TaxYear

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Use this menu only if you need to change the tax year (database) you will be working in. Normally, this will already be set for you when you open Taxport™.

Select Database:

When you click on "TaxYear", a drop down menu will display a list of all databases that your company administrator has currently setup. You may, for instance have a database for the existing tax year and another for the prior tax year, and still another for a test database.

Tip: Your currently chosen Tax Year is shown in the upper right corner of the window as shown below.

Note: If you are not sure which database you should be working with, see your company's Taxport™ administrator.

Tip: Taxport can be configured so that the title bar header changes to a red color when the currently set Tax Year is anything but the current Tax Year. See your company's Taxport™ administrator.

 Go to the next topic, "Searching for Recipients & Tax Forms".

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