Taxport Casino

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 Taxport Casino - Overview:

Casino customers who have implemented "Taxport Casino" can quickly and efficiently process gambling winnings so that they can focus on their players. "Taxport Casino" allows its users to:

Enter government required player information and winning amounts.

Verify the player's Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) against what the IRS currently has on file.

Verify the player's "OFAC status" with the Office of Foreign Assets Control to determine if the player might be listed on a prohibited pay status.

Automatically calculate the required government withholding, if any, on player winnings.

Record and print the required government statement(s) for the casino and the winning player.


 Getting Started with Taxport Casino:

"Taxport Casino" is simply Taxport with additional features that have been added especially for casino users.


If you are a brand new user, you should start at the beginning of this user guide in the "Home" topic. Starting there, you can learn all you need to know about using Taxport in general. Then come back to this section of the user guide.


If you are already familiar with Taxport and are ready to also learn about the new features that are only found in "Taxport Casino", proceed to the next topic, "Entering Player TINs".

Note:  Depending on your individual Taxport setup and privileges, you may not have access to all the menus and links shown in the screen examples in this guide. See your casino's Taxport administrator or manager if you have questions.

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