Working with Rejects

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Rejects are Recipients and/or Tax Form records that were not successfully added to the database because they contained errors or non-compliant information. If you have been setup to work with Rejects, you will see the below screen when you click on the "Rejects" Main Menu link.

Note: For working with 1042-S Rejects, use the "1042-S" Main Menu link to the right of the "Taxports" Main Menu link.


Searching for Rejects:

You can search for specific sets of Rejects by setting the drop down menu options as shown in the screen above:

Searches where type is "RECIPIENT" will include only Recipient record rejects.
Searches where type is "FORMS W/ERRORS" will include all Tax Form record rejects except those where the error is "RECIPIENT not on file".
You can narrow down your search to where "REJECT NAME", "GROUPNO", "IMPORT ID", or "PAYERID" equal exact case sensitive values.
When searching using "Where IMPORT ID", you must enter the "#" symbol in front of your Import ID. Example: "#15".

After you have selected your above search criteria and typed in an "equals" value, click on the "Search" button. The rejects (if any) will display below categorized by Error Type. Click on the symbol to expand and view each category.

Correcting Rejects:

Click on the "Edit" button in the above screen, to open a specific record. The record will display in a new window as shown below. You can make changes directly to the record in this window. When you are finished, click on "Save".

Tip:Clicking on the "Next" button will advance you to the next Reject in the current category of Error Types.

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